Acceptable sunscreens on the US market have fallen to 25% in the Environmental Working Group’s 2020Sunscreen Guide, down from around 33% of evaluated products last year.
EWG Endorses Mineral Sunscreens, Avobenzone And UVA-Protective Chemicals Stranded In Europe
Three-fourths of sunscreens marketed in the US offer “inferior” protection or contain “worrisome” chemicals, according to the Environmental Working Group’s 2020 Sunscreen Guide. The guide shows overwhelming preference for mineral over chemical sunscreens, while also suggesting that Americans would be better off if UVA-protective chemical filters in Europe were allowed stateside.
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Proposed administrative order likely is first to prompt opposition from OTC industry or other stakeholders potentially delaying or deferring the agency’s expectation for moving its proposal to a deemed final order effective one year after it would be published.
Qnovia notes NRT inhalation product recently received investigational new drug clearance from FDA as agency and NIH say innovation needed smoking cessation to help improve rate of success for quitting the habit that kills around 500,000 US consumers annually.
The Washington State Department of Ecology will try to work with companies that violate the Toxic Free Cosmetics Act, rather than reflexively imposing the $5,000-per-violation fine for first-time offenders, says the law’s implementation planner. She noted financial assistance is available for small businesses, as well as incentives for companies adopting measures “beyond compliance.”
US FDA Office of New Drugs Director Peter Stein says review divisions have made the case that a discussion-only meeting would solicit the necessary input.